Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cares to prevent Heart Attack

Heart attach death happens most probably before some hours of morning. because scientist believes that while we sleep our body blood pressure getting reduced, and when we waked up the blood pressure being increased, and further in the morning dehydration makes the blood thick. and it is not easy for pumping and it direct effect our heart.

So take a good sleep of 7 to 8 hours regularly, because improper sleep affects heart and also your digestion system, and reduce your mental stress by YOGA and etc. mental stress makes the heart weak.

After wake up in morning get some time for your body for your self,
do some exercise, do some warmup exercise, drink at least two glass water,
and if you already have some heart related illness then do some consultation with your doctor, 

Do not start heavy exercises immediately, but increase your exercise time on interval base.

Do not be angry do not bring wrath because it directly affect your heart, and it can cause bad effect on your heart.

So take care and live healthy and live happy.

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